On Thursday 11/11/21, we celebrate Veterans Day in this Great Country of ours. This week I would like to take a closer look at Veterans Day.
Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices. It was originally called Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I. But then World War II and the Korean War happened, so on June 1, 1954, at the urging of veterans service organizations, Congress amended the commemoration yet again by changing the word “Armistice” to “Veterans” so the day would honor American Veterans of all wars.
Veterans Day is NOT the Same as Memorial Day.
A Lot of Americans confuse Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave their lives for our country, particularly in battle or from wounds they suffered in battle. Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices.
Please thank a Veteran today for their service. Our Veterans were ready to give up their life for you so you could live free.
There’s another man that wasn’t a Veteran but gave up his life so you could be free and live forever. That man’s name is Jesus Christ! The Bible tells us ALL, not some… but ALL… have sinned. Romans 3:23 tells us, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Also in Romans 6:23 we find the cost of sin, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The cost of sin is eternal death! But notice that God also gives us a way out. In 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,” Since Jesus died for our sins and paid the price on the cross (His death), the wage or cost of our sins has been paid in full! The gift of eternal life is ours for the asking.
My Friend… Have you asked for your free gift from God? How is your relationship with God? Is it good? Or maybe you have lost fellowship with Him. Time is short! We all are standing at the door to eternity. There is no better time than the present to accept God’s gift of eternal life or maybe to renew your faith.
All you need to do is ask the Lord to come into your life. Please… if you don’t know Christ or have fallen away please pray… Tell God you believe His Son Jesus paid for your sins and rose again. Tell God you are sorry and want to start Living for Him. He will forgive your sins and mistakes and give you Everlasting Life with Him… and place His Spirit deep within your heart. In 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
I pray that God will truly Help and Bless you. If you would like for me to pray with you, please email me at Bob.L@magnificentPromises.com.
Thank you all my fellow Veterans!
May God Bless and Keep!
I thank you for reading my blog. I do not claim to be any expert or affiliated with any religious organization. All I can say is that I’m affiliated with my Lord Jesus Christ. This is one man’s opinion and observation. My hope is I stirred up some thoughts for you to think about. There is one place that we can find all the answers to life. That road map is Commonly known as the Bible. If you want the answers to life all you have to do is read. If you would like me to pray with you or want to send a comment please email me at Bob.L@magnificentpromises.com
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16