Leaning Side…

This week I would like to share a story from Jentezen Franklin called “Leaning Side”. I hope you enjoy it.   Leaning Side “A pastor of a small church would occasionally call on one gentleman to pray, and every time this one particular guy would pray, he would pray this,  “Oh God, thank you for this word today, and bless these …

True Peace…

As we start a new year, we are hoping and praying for a safe and prosperous year for our families. This week, I would like to talk a little about having peace and happiness in the coming year. Even in this world today, with all its problems, we can still have peace in our life.  I would like to share a …

It’s 2025…Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2024, and welcome in the New year of 2025, we need to take a moment and reflect on our lives. Did the things that happened to us last year make us stronger? Weaker? What did we learn? What happened to last year’s New Year’s resolutions? How can we make it better in …

Merry Christmas 2024…

As the Christmas Season winds down, have you really thought about taking time to think about what Christmas means to you? We are so busy with all that’s going on… the shopping, Christmas plays, caroling, cooking, traveling, seeing Santa, decorating, parties, just to mention a few. Maybe you are worried about money and buying presents or could it be your …

A Dollar and a Dime…

This week I would like to share a wonderful Christmas story. I fell in love with this story, so I borrowed it from a friend – hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!  The Christmas Coat. A young man was fumbling around one day, in a women’s clothing store. He’d found his wife a Christmas coat and was …


Have you ever had a young child ask you the why questions?  You know… the why questions that that five-year-old always asks. Why Christmas trees, why holly, why wreaths just to name a few. Today I’d like to take a look at a few of these why questions and maybe we can answer some of them. The Christmas Symbols and …

Christmas at the Gas Station…

I have been asked to re-post a Christmas story from last year.  There’s so much meaning and a great message in this story… It’s about an old man at a Gas station in the Christmas season.  I hope you enjoy. Unknown Author The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn’t been anywhere in years …

The Gift Beyond Imagination…

As we heading into the Gift giving season, I would like to share a story sent to me from a friend titled “The Gift Beyond Imagination.” author unknown. I hope you enjoy. The Gift Beyond Imagination. A story of the gift of love Dedication Here in the South, we like to use “double names.” Therefore, I chose to incorporate both …

Thanksgiving Traditions…

Thanksgiving Traditions and little-known Facts… We all look forward to Thanksgiving Day every 4th Thursday in November. It’s a Great time for families to celebrate and come together to enjoy a meal. Most of us have a lot of Thanksgiving traditions. Have you ever wondered why we celebrate these Thanksgiving traditions or how they started? Impress your family with these …


With Thanksgiving being a little over a week away, I would like to take a look at some history of this holiday. The state of Massachusetts was one of the first to recognize and thank God for the things He has done. Samuel Adams issued this October 6, 1796, proclamation for a day of Thanksgiving for December 15, 1796, as Governor …

Putting God First…

This week I would like to look at our priority. The things of this would seems to take more and more of our time. Things like jobs and family seem to need more time. There’s only so many hours in a day, so we take time from other areas of our life… Such as entertainment, fitness and God. I want …

Happy Veterans Day…

On Monday 11/11/24, we celebrate Veterans Day in this Great Country of ours. So, what is Veterans Day and why celebrate. Let’s take a closer look at Veterans Day. Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their service …

Your Vote…

As we enter the year 2024, a very important Presidential Election is coming on Nov. 5th, of this year.  It’s very important for us Christians to vote. This country is very much in conflict and the beliefs that this country was founded on have been shaken. We, as Christians need to voice our opinion and not be part of the …


This week I would like to talk a little about the upcoming Halloween holiday. As Christians, should we celebrate this holiday? I don’t know if there is a definitive answer. First of all, understand that Halloween is mostly a western custom and it has no direct reference in the Bible. However, there are several Biblical principles that directly relate to …

Looking unto Jesus

This Week I would like to share a post by Pastor Greg Laurie. We all are in the human race, but we all need to be running the race for God. Hope you enjoy. Looking unto Jesus Hebrews 12:1-2 – “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and …

How the Apostles Died…

This week I would like to share how the Apostles died.  When we follow Christ, there’s always a price to pay. It may cost you friends, family, a promotion, imprisonment and even death in some parts of the world. Jesus called the apostles to service, and it cost them dearly.  This is how the apostles is thought to have died. …


Awakening the Spirit: A Call to Active Faith It’s amazing to see some churches, who are full of life and excited about our Lord, while other churches are looking like a graveyard. Remember the Church is the people and not the building itself. It seems there is little, or no excitement and many believers have fallen asleep. Let’s look at …

God’s Promises…

I saw this in “Moments for You” devotional and I thought I would share it to remind us of God’s Magnificent promises. God’s promises are more important than our thoughts, doubts, and fears. Feel free to share with others. OUR THINKING GOD’S PROMISE  It’s Impossible All things are possible with God(Luke 18:27) I’m too tired God will give you rest(Matthew …

Remembering 9/11

Today is the 23rd anniversary of the attack on the World Trade center in New York. I think we all can remember where we were and what we were doing when this tragic event occurred. Burn in our memories is the images of people jumping out of a burning building, the second airplane crashing in the building, and the falling …

What will Heaven be Like?

Have you ever thought about what Heaven is going to be like?  In Revelation chapter 21 gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will look like. The beauty of the world is nothing compared to the beauty of Heaven… It’s really hard to imagine gates made of pearl, walls of jasper and streets of pure gold. But the best thing …