
As we start a new year, we are hoping and praying for a safe and prosperous year for our family’s. This week, I would like to talk a little about having peace and happiness in the coming year. Even in this world today, with all its problems, we can still have peace in our life. I would like to share a short story about peace. The original author is unknown.
True Peace
There once lived a very wealthy man who was willing to pay a small fortune to the artist who could best illustrate the presence of peace. Several artists brought paintings of sunsets and quiet meadows, but the man did not accept any of these. One day as he was walking through looking at the most recent attempts, two paintings captured his attention.
One was a painting of a beautiful calm lake surrounded by lush green mountains. The water seemed as still as glass and wispy white clouds danced in the bright blue of the sky. Next to this painting was another with vast differences. It was also a picture of a lake surrounded by mountains, but the strong winds had whipped the lake into a tempest and the dark clouds hovered about the rugged mountain landscape ready to release a downpour of torrential rains.
The audience standing about watched with anticipation to see which one the man might choose to depict the story of peace. All were shocked when he did not choose the first, but instead chose the second. How could such a stormy scene tell a story of peace?
The rich man explained. The first painting was beautiful and peaceful, but it didn’t tell the truth of where peace can be found. Anyone could feel peaceful upon a crystal-clear lake with white clouds drifting across the sky and barely a breeze blowing across the water.
Then he pointed out something in the second painting which everyone else had overlooked. If you peered closely into the mountains of the second, there was a waterfall, and tucked into a crevice of that mountain near the waterfall was a small nest on which a mother bird sat upon tiny blue eggs.
The man spoke. “This second painting is a picture of true, perfect peace because it is within the storms of life, we find real peace tucked into the side of God knowing His presence will guard and protect us even in the midst of this world’s storms.”
Author is unknown
To know peace, even in a storm, is a true gift from God. Jesus said in John 14:23, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.“
Also in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Notice what Jesus said, “That in Me” you can have peace. Jesus will give you peace IF you have a relationship and believe in Him.
In closing…Do you have the peace that Jesus gives? For me it’s nice to know whatever happens in this world, I can still be at peace. I don’t have to worry… God still is in control. My friend… Peace will bring you happiness that we all seek.
Do you know that Satan is trying to steal that peace from you. Don’t let him! He is just trying to destroy your peace and relationship with God.
If you don’t have the peace that the Lord gives, please pray. Maybe you have lost that peace you once had and with time have fallen away from God. Please take the time now and pray…tomorrow maybe too late.
Tell God you believe His Son Jesus paid for your sins and arose from the grave. Tell God you are sorry and want to start Living for Him. He will forgive your sins and mistakes and give you Everlasting Life with Him… and place His Spirit deep within your heart. In 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” and in Romans 10:9 tells us,”that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;“
I pray that you will find the peace that God gives freely. If you would like for me to pray with you, please email me at
May God Bless and Keep!
I thank you for reading my blog. I do not claim to be any expert or affiliated with any religious organization. All I can say is that I’m affiliated with my Lord Jesus Christ. This is one man’s opinion and observation. My hope is I stirred up some thoughts for you to think about. There is one place that we can find all the answers to life. That road map is Commonly known as the Bible. If you want the answers to life all you have to do is read. If you would like me to pray with you or want to send a comment, please email me at
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16