Who would ever think the United States would close? This country is totally shut down. Just about a month ago we were enjoying some of the most prosperous times in our country’s history. In a matter of a month a microscopic germ has shut down this country and for that matter the world.
We now have new mandates from our government that not only stops most business, but also shuts down our churches. I never thought I would ever see our churches shut down. It looks like they will stay that way for at least another 30 days.
Let’s be real about this. The church is not just a building. The Church is also God’s people. In Colossians 1:18 says “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” It says that Christ is the head of the body and we are the body(the Church). Christ and ourselves are both still alive. The Church is not closed even though our meeting place may be.
We are commanded to take God’s Message to the lost. Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Notice this verse starts out with Go. He didn’t say keep it a Secret. He said Go and Teach! The time to set back and let others to this is over. Because of this Covid 19 virus, we are confined to our homes and the lost to their homes.
Who then, is going to bring a message of God to them? Our Pastor and Church leaders can’t. This is going to fall upon everyone.
But you ask how… If I can’t leave my home…How? OK, First let’s look at who. We all need to take care of our families. I’ll bet they are not all saved. After all they are the most important people to us.
There are a couple things we all can do.
1. – Pray – Pray daily. Ask God for their salvation.
2. Read the Bible – Be prepared. God’s word has all the answers for every question. Read and ask God to reveal it to you.
3. – Testify – Be a living testimony. Don’t just talk the talk… But walk the walk. Be what you say. Don’t be that sad Christian… We all have seen them. The lost person might say, I don’t want what that person has. Be a Blessed Christian… happy, worry free and with smiles on our faces. Lets show the unsaved the joy God brings to our life.
4. – Friend Them – Show them you truly care about their well being. So many families don’t do this. Be a Dad and also a friend.
5. – Talk – Always bring up God when you speak to them. For example… Ask them how they are coping with this virus. Tell them how God helps you cope or about a blessing.
6. Finally make sure of your relationship with God. The Bible tells us to put our house in order before we try to help others.
The pestilence we are going through right now is a sign of the end of this world. You can not leave everything to your Pastor or Church. We need to step up! Please take action now while there is still time. Things will get worse before they get better. The prediction of deaths for this pestilence (Virus) is a minimum of 100,000 people in just the U.S. Are you ready? Please be ready and have your family ready! I Pray for God’s blessing and protection for you and your family.
I thank you for reading my blog. I do not claim to be any expert or affiliated with any religious organization. All I can say is that I’m affiliated with my Lord Jesus Christ. This is one man’s opinion and observation. My hope is I stirred up some thoughts for you to think about. There is one place that we can find all the answers to life. That road map is Commonly known as the Bible. If you want the answers to life all you have to do is read. If you would like me to pray with you or want to send a comment please email me at Bob.L@magnificentpromises.com or the form below.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16