Next Monday January 15th, 2024, is Martin Luther King holiday in the United States. A day we honor the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. The holiday is observed on the third Monday of January each year, close to his birthday on January 15. It is a day to celebrate and remember the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., who played a key role in the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s.

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) was a prominent advocate for racial equality, nonviolent protest, and justice. He is best known for his role in advancing civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs. His efforts were instrumental in achieving significant milestones in the civil rights movement, such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

MLK was changing the attitudes of America not by violence and riots, but with Christain love and tolerance. MLK wasn’t doing this for self, but for all those that injustice has touch. Change by Love and not by hate. 

So today, I would like to speak about hatred. There’s so much hate for each other that nothing else matters. WHY??? People will even sacrifice the better good of this country because of their hatred. I just don’t understand it!

We see the same kind of hatred in local governments as we see in individuals. Because we can’t see eye-to-eye we need to hate the other person. We are teaching our children to Hate by our actions and speech. With each generation it gets worse and worse.

Hate feeds on itself. Once we start hating the spread of hate happens easily. Hate spreads from one person to another then to groups and more groups of people. Hate spreads like a virus infecting more as it grows. Each time it spreads it gets worse. Eventually hate for something becomes popular. The In Crowd all hate the same thing. We find it on our television stations the radios and everywhere we look because of its popularity.

The Bible teaches us about hate. How we should act and respond to it. Luke 6:27-28 we find this verse, “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” This can be a very tough thing to do.  I hear some of my fellow Christian’s complaining about others. Maybe it’s your boss, maybe it’s a politician, maybe a school teacher, maybe a fellow worker or maybe another Christian. We find it easy to complain. Are you praying for those or just complaining about them.

Are you praying God will bless them? If we earnestly pray for them, I can guarantee you this will change things. The first thing it will change is our attitude towards them. This is the first step towards loving our enemies.

Let me ask you a question, is there hatred in your heart? Do you get upset when you hear or read things about someone or something we don’t like? As Christians the Word of God tells us we cannot be Christians if we hate. In 1 John 4:20 says, if someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

Here’s the good news. You don’t have to live with hatred. The first step to get rid of hatred is to give it to God.  But to do that you must have a relationship with Him. How’s your relationship with God?

There is no better time than the present to start or maybe renew your relationship with God. Take a moment now and dedicate yourself to Christ Our Savior. Please… if you don’t know Christ or have fallen away, please pray… Tell God you believe His Son Jesus paid for your sins and rose again. Tell God you are sorry and want to start Living for Him. He will forgive your sins and mistakes and give you Everlasting Life with Him… and place His Spirit deep within your heart. In 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Please remember this… To get rid of your hatred starts with a relationship with Jesus. Give ALL your burdens to God!!!  Give God that Hatred.

I pray that God will truly Help and Bless you. May God Bless and Keep!

I thank you for reading my blog. I do not claim to be any expert or affiliated with any religious organization. All I can say is that I’m affiliated with my Lord Jesus Christ. This is one man’s opinion and observations. My hope is I stirred up some thoughts for you to think about. There is one place that we can find all the answers to life. That road map is Commonly known as the Bible. If you want the answers to life all you have to do is read. If you would like me to pray with you or want to send a comment, please email me at

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

1 thought on “MLK…

  1. Your comments and statements are beautiful and thought-provoking. Thank you for your hard work on this website. Praise God for His enduring scripture.

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