It’s 2025…Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2024, and welcome in the New year of 2025, we need to take a moment and reflect on our lives. Did the things that happened to us last year make us stronger? Weaker? What did we learn? What happened to last year’s New Year’s resolutions? How can we make it better in …

Merry Christmas 2024…

As the Christmas Season winds down, have you really thought about taking time to think about what Christmas means to you? We are so busy with all that’s going on… the shopping, Christmas plays, caroling, cooking, traveling, seeing Santa, decorating, parties, just to mention a few. Maybe you are worried about money and buying presents or could it be your …

A Dollar and a Dime…

This week I would like to share a wonderful Christmas story. I fell in love with this story, so I borrowed it from a friend – hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!  The Christmas Coat. A young man was fumbling around one day, in a women’s clothing store. He’d found his wife a Christmas coat and was …


Have you ever had a young child ask you the why questions?  You know… the why questions that that five-year-old always asks. Why Christmas trees, why holly, why wreaths just to name a few. Today I’d like to take a look at a few of these why questions and maybe we can answer some of them. The Christmas Symbols and …

Christmas at the Gas Station…

I have been asked to re-post a Christmas story from last year.  There’s so much meaning and a great message in this story… It’s about an old man at a Gas station in the Christmas season.  I hope you enjoy. Unknown Author The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn’t been anywhere in years …