
Awakening the Spirit: A Call to Active Faith It’s amazing to see some churches, who are full of life and excited about our Lord, while other churches are looking like a graveyard. Remember the Church is the people and not the building itself. It seems there is little, or no excitement and many believers have fallen asleep. Let’s look at …

God’s Promises…

I saw this in “Moments for You” devotional and I thought I would share it to remind us of God’s Magnificent promises. God’s promises are more important than our thoughts, doubts, and fears. Feel free to share with others. OUR THINKING GOD’S PROMISE  It’s Impossible All things are possible with God(Luke 18:27) I’m too tired God will give you rest(Matthew …

Remembering 9/11

Today is the 23rd anniversary of the attack on the World Trade center in New York. I think we all can remember where we were and what we were doing when this tragic event occurred. Burn in our memories is the images of people jumping out of a burning building, the second airplane crashing in the building, and the falling …

What will Heaven be Like?

Have you ever thought about what Heaven is going to be like?  In Revelation chapter 21 gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will look like. The beauty of the world is nothing compared to the beauty of Heaven… It’s really hard to imagine gates made of pearl, walls of jasper and streets of pure gold. But the best thing …