Merry Christmas…

It’s hard to believe the Monday is Christmas day.  As this year is Christmas Season whines down, have you really thought about taking time to think about what it means to you? We are so busy with all that’s going on… The shopping, Christmas plays, Caroling, Office Parties, Cooking, Traveling, Seeing Santa, decorating, just to mention a few. The there …


SYMBOLS OF CHRISTMAS Have you ever had a young child ask you the why questions?  You know… the why questions that that five-year-old always asks. Why Christmas trees, why holly, why wreaths just to name a few. Today I’d like to take a look at a few of these why questions and maybe we can answer some of them. The …

Christmas at the Gas Station

This is an inspirational short story about an old man at a Gas station in the Christmas season. I hope you enjoy it. Christmas at the Gas Station…. By Unknown author The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn’t been anywhere in years since his wife had passed away. It was just another …

The Christmas Coat.

Wow… it’s hard to believe that Christmas will be here in a few weeks.  Where has the year gone? This week I would like to share a Christmas story that a friend sent me a few years ago. – hope you enjoy it! The Christmas Coat. A young man was fumblin around one day, in a women’s clothing store, He’d …

Happy Thanksgiving…

Thanksgiving Traditions and little-known Facts… We all look forward to Thanksgiving Day every 4th Thursday in November. It’s a Great time for families to celebrate and come together to enjoy a meal. Most of us have a lot of Thanksgiving traditions. Have you ever wondered why we celebrate these Thanksgiving traditions or how they started? Impress your family with these …

Thanksgiving Day Proclamation 1796…

With Thanksgiving being a little over a week away, I would like to take a look at some history of this holiday. The state of Massachusetts was one of the first to recognize and thank God for the things He has done. Samuel Adams issued this October 6, 1796, proclamation for a day of Thanksgiving for December 15, 1796, as Governor …

Veteran’s Day…

On Saturday 11/11/21, we celebrate Veterans Day in this Great Country of ours. This week I would like to take a closer look at Veterans Day. Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their service and sacrifices. It …

You might have a heart condition?

Do you have a Heart Condition? We need to recognize the signs of a heart attack and then take action to stop it. Let’s look at some of the signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack in men and women. 1. Chest pain or discomfort 2. Shortness of breath 3. Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or …


This week I would like to talk a little about the upcoming Halloween holiday. As Christians, should we celebrate this holiday? I don’t know if there is a definitive answer. First of all, understand that Halloween is mostly a western custom and it has no direct reference in the Bible. However, there are several Biblical principles that directly relate to …

Sharing the Gospel: Our Role as Christians

I came across a social media post this week that said, “We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive, but we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.” In other words, we need to be seed planters. As Christians, we are called to fulfill the Great Commission that is to share the …

Our Walk…

As we welcome the month of October and some nice cool fall weather, I would like to take a little time and talk about our walk with God. When we gave our lives to God, we found a partner in this life. We found someone to guide and lead us and help along the path of life. He is also …

The End of the world…

We need not to worry about dying… When you die, don’t worry about your body… Your relatives and funeral staff will take care of it. I know this for sure, I’ve been there… and done that. They will take you out of the house and deliver you to the funeral home of your family’s choice. They will take off your …

Church Attendance…

The other day a question came up, “Why aren’t there more people in church? I started thinking about this… Really… Why aren’t more people in church??? For all of us that believe, we know the benefits of attending church regularly, such as the benefits of prayer, learning, fellowship, ministering to others, encouragement, just to name a few of them. This …

Our Christmas List…

I heard the other day that Christmas is only 100 days away.  Wow… This year is really flying by fast. I started to think about my childhood and writing out a Christmas list and a letter to mail Santa. Boy, that Sears catalog would get worn out before Christmas came.  Such good memories. Thinking about our life today, we know …

The Dying Church…

This week I want to talk a little about the dying churches today. There are so many churches that are closing their doors.  Some of the signs of the dying church are… No soul recently saved, no new members, members going to another church, no activities, no children, low attendance, mostly elderly members. These are only signs of a dying …

I’m a Good Person…

I’m a good person, so I’ll go to Heaven. God doesn’t send good people to hell. Somehow some believe that being a good person opens the gates of Heaven for you. Some churches believe you can work your way to heaven and still others believe that after you have died, you can be prayed into heaven.  How many times have …

Labor Day 2023…

This year is really going by very fast.  Next week, on Monday, we celebrate the Labor Day Holiday.  With that in mind I would like to talk a little about this holiday. According to Wikipedia, Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement …

Death is Coming…

It’s been said there are only two things in life we can be sure of… Taxes and Death. We really don’t have any control over either one. The government tells us how much tax to pay and when to pay it. And as for death… We know it’s coming but we don’t know when or how it will happen. So …

CPR Needed…

Have you notice lately, how many church closings and Church buildings being put up for sale. My hope is that they outgrew the building and moved to a larger one. But the reality is, they can’t exist because of lack of support and growth. These churches were once a hospital for the spiritual sick and dying, but now a lot …

Is Hell Real?

Have you ever had someone tell you that they do not believe that there is a Hell?  Maybe they made a statement such as, “How can a loving God send anyone to hell?” I have even heard a remark, “Well, at least I’ll be with my friends.” This week I would like to talk a little about Hell. So, what …